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  • In this supplement we document the input data and methods used to estimate the conditional probability of rupture for the Kekerengu fault, Conway segment of the Hope fault and northeasteren section of the Awatere fault. We also describe how these rupture probabilities are proportioned onto the relevant active fault earthquake sources in the Kaikoura Seismic Hazard Model. Supplement to: Gerstenberger MC, Rhoades DA, Litchfield NJ, Abbott ER, Goded T, Christophersen A, Van Dissen RJ, Bannister S, Barrell DJA, Bruce ZRV, et al. 2022. A time-dependent seismic hazard model following the Kaikōura M7.8 earthquake. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. Cite as: Gerstenberger MC, Rhoades DA, Litchfield NJ, Abbott ER, Goded T, Christophersen A, Van Dissen RJ, Bannister S, Barrell DJA, Bruce ZRV, et al. 2022. Supplement 3: Conditional probability of rupture: Kekerengu, Hope and Awatere faults.